Energy & Environment
Research Lab

Energy & Environment
Research Lab

Preserving the environment and sustainable development is one of the top concerns faced by world leaders today. Our Energy & Environment Research Lab provides exposure to the environmental problems directly related to the production and consumption of energy. It includes air pollution, climate change, water pollution, greenhouse emissions, and its impact. This lab provides the space, technology, and equipment for young innovators to brainstorm and find alternate, sustainable, and renewable energy solutions.

Our students are exposed to and challenged to find innovative solutions to some of the most pressing environmental issues, including marine pollution, plastic pollution, deforestation, overfishing, and others.

At our Energy & Environment Research Lab, we provide our students:


Activities to understand
domain concepts.

One large project at
the end of the module.


Activities to understand
domain concepts.

One large project at the end of the module.

We leave our students by introducing them to some of the most pressing problems in the energy and environment domain, encouraging them to find a solution later in their lives.

Our Domain Research Lab Curriculum is inspired by the curriculums of some of the best universities in the world. These labs are designed with these three outcomes in mind:

  1. Introduce you to the basic and advanced topics of these domains through interesting and easy-to-understand modules.
  2. Introduce you to some of the challenges in these domains and encourage you to brainstorm ways to solve them.
  3. Enable you to find your passion early and empower you to make better and more informed career decisions later in your life.

Some of the Innovations made by DiscoverSTEM Students
in this Research Lab are:

Wind powered system to lift water using multiple tanks

US Patent Granted

(This innovation won 1st prize at Texas Regional Future City Competition – 2020 and Special Prize at Global Finals of Future City Competition – 2020)

Biodegradable bottle cap using pestalotiopsis microsporia to biodegrade waste plastic bottle

US Patent Granted

(This innovation was ‘Alternate Finalist’ at Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge-2018, held at NASA kennedy Space Center)

Automated system for cleaning and recovering spilled oil in the ocean using hair felt rollers

US Patent Granted

Apparatus and method to clean
garbage from water bodies

US Patent Granted

Fluid flow control unit

US Patent Granted

Bio-Degradable Container

US Patent Granted

Smart shower head

Patent Pending

Patent Details:

Google Patents | Bibliography

System for refilling of used markers

US Patent Granted

Water desalination system

Patent Granted

(This innovation won 1st prize at Texas Regional Future City Competition – 2020 and Special Prize at Global Finals of Future City Competition – 2020)

Brick for power generation

Patent Granted

(This innovation won 2nd prize at Texas Regional Future City Competition – 2019 and Special Prize at Texas Regional Future City Competition – 2019)

A biodegradable cover for a portable electronic device

Patent Granted

phone case

Patent Pending

Hisham Ahmad - CMO

I am a 14-year-old freshman attending Brighter Horizons Academy in Garland, Texas. I have extensive experience with marketing, as I have been a part of various companies and mentorships. I graduated from the DiscoverStem program, allowing new doors to open up for me, and change the way I see things. The DiscoverStem program has also given me more experience with concepts such as patents, invention, and innovation, as well as inspiration to use these skills to help the world around us.

DiscoverSTEM founders Mirza Rizwan and Mirza Faizan have made history by becoming the first Indian to win the coveted George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation – USA.

Started in 1949 by former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Freedoms Foundation honors exceptional contributions of Americans towards communities in the USA. Generally reserved for the US citizens, the awarding organization made an exception to recognize the stellar research work and its impact of India’s Mr. Rizwan in designing and implementing a unique STEM & Innovation program for American children, thereby revolutionizing the education system in the USA.

Few of the other notable non-US citizens who have received George Washington Honor Medal include Ms. Margaret Thatcher (Former Prime Minister of United Kingdom), Lech Walesa (Former President of Poland and Noble Prize winner) and world-renowned Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. As the latest recipients of this prestigious honor, Mirza brothers join historically acclaimed group of citizens whose work and dedication advance the American ideals, the award letter says.

Some of the distinguished US citizens who have received this award for their stellar contributions in their field are Walt Disney, Astronauts Sally Ride and John Glenn, Capt. Sully Sullenberger, Athletes like Arthur Ashe, George Foreman and Tiger Woods and famous US educator Jaime Escalante.