Banking, Finance &
Fintech Research Lab Curriculum
Banking, Finance &
Fintech Research Lab Curriculum
- Early aircraft designs
- Classification of aircraft based on various factors of
their operations, design, propulsion, usage & wing type
Exercise: Design Analysis of Different Aircraft.
- Runways, Taxiways, Airport Signs and Lighting systems
- Landing Aids at airports
- Lighting | Airport Beacons | Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) | Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) | VFR and IFR | Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- Airspace at a glance
- Classes of airspace
- Introduction to the fundamental concepts of
- Air Pressure | Mass, Volume and Weight | Force | Density | Temperature | Fluid Friction | Drag Altitude | Sea level conditions
Inspired from AA141 Atmospheric Flight – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Aerodynamics of flight
- Forces acting on an aircraft | How do wings generate lift?
- Newtonian Physics I Bernoulli’s principle I Coanda Effect
- Airfoil Design
- Introduction | Airfoil Terminology | NACA Airfoil and 4 digit series | Different types of an airfoil | Angle of attack and its impact on lift | Center of pressure & its impact on flight control | Wingtip vortex | Lift Coefficient
Exercise: Designing an Airfoil with Maximum Lift and Minimum Drag.
Inspired from AA173 Flight Mechanics and Controls – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Introduction to terminologies in Aeronautics
- Airplane axis and degree of freedom I Pitch, Yaw & Roll
- Control surfaces on an aircraft
- Vertical & Horizontal Stabilizer I Aileron I Flaps & Slats I Airbrake/Spoilers I Rudder
- IForces acting on an aircraft, Moment of Force
- Lift formula, Lift coefficient and angle of attack
- Drag forces and its classification I Stall & Coffin Corner
- Principles of flight | Aspect Ratio | Angle of Attack
- How does an aircraft fly, climb and turn?
- Load factor of an aircraft I How helicopters fly?
Exercise: Designing & Building a Remote-controlled Aircraft.
Inspired from AA131 Space Flight – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- What is the Space and Karman line?
- Satellites | A Day in the Life of a NASA Satellite Team
- A tour of International Space Station (ISS)
- Can an airplane fly into space?
- Introduction to Orbital Dynamics —
- Part 1 (Going to moon) I Part 2 (Hohmann Transfer) I
- Part 3 (Interplanetary Travel) I Part 4 (The Oberth Effect)
- Spacecraft Attitude determination
Exercise: Designing a ‘Hybrid’ Plane which has Propulsion to Fly in Atmosphere as well as in Space.
Inspired from AA103 Air and Space Propulsion — Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Rockets 101 | The rocket science — All about Rockets
- Rocket systems: Structural | Propulsion I Payload | Guidance I Brief history of rockets | Rocket staging
- An introduction to jet engine
- Rocket propulsion and types of rocket propulsion
- Liquid | Solid | Hybrid | Multistage | Air breathing
- Future of propulsion
- Electric Plasma Jet Engine | Nuclear Propulsion | Ion Engine | Plasma Thrust Experiment 1 & 2 | Solar sails | Laser Assisted Propulsion
Exercise: Designing a futuristic propulsion system.
Inspired from AA172 Guidance & Navigation – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- An introduction to spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems (GN&C)
- Case study: Missile Guidance System
Exercise: Designing a Navigation & Guidance Instruction Set.
Inspired from AA279A Space Mechanics – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Gravity and how it enables orbits | Orbit types
- Satellite orbit types & how satellite stay in the orbit
- Kepler’s Laws I Launch, Propulsion and Re-entry
- Orbital Rendezvous and launch window:
Exercise: Designing a satellite system for 24×7 connectivity
Inspired from AA136A Spacecraft Design – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Introduction to Spacecraft Subsystems
Inspired from AA136A Spacecraft Design – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- What is a CubeSat? | Space 2.0 and CubeSat
- Challenges in CubeSat Engineering — Propulsion
- An example of innovative CubeSat Propulsion
- Hardware and Software Design Challenges in a Spacecraft — a study with an example of SpaceX Falcon 9 & Dragon
Inspired from AA146A Aircraft Design – Stanford University BS Program in Aeronautics & Astronautics
- A tour of aircraft structure, systems and avionics
- Aircraft Fuselage I Structure Types | Frames
- Aircraft design process | Requirement | Function | Wings & other surface geometry | Dimensions | Engines
- Engineering Drawing and weight calculation
- Control Surface Finalization I Aircraft wing design
Exercise: Designing the Most Efficient Airplane in the World.
- Introduction to Avionics and Fly by Wire system:
- Principle drivers of avionics systems requirements
- Avionics systems on a multipurpose aircraft
- Cockpit Display Systems | Primary Flight Display (PFD) | Multi-Function Display (MFD) | Engine Instrument and Crew Alert System (EICAS) | Case study: Boeing 737 and Gulfstream 6550 Flight deck
- Future of Cockpit Display System
Exercise: Designing a Cockpit Display System to Prevent Human Error which could lead to Plane Crash.
- Flight Management System (FMS)
- Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS)
- Mode 1: Excessive Descent Rate
- Mode 2: Excessive Closuretoterrain
- Mode 3: Altitude loss after takeoff
- Mode 4: Unsafe terrain clearance
- Mode 5: Excessive Glideslope Deviation
- Mode 6: Advisory Callout/Bank Angle
- Mode 7: Windshear Alerting
Exercise: Designing a ‘Flying Bike’ for Urban Transportation.