Innovation Title:
Method and system for preventing injury by friendly fire.
Name and Age of Inventors (at the time of innovation):
Aarish Salman Bhojani (15)
Nadia Anisa Sethuraman (16)
Sofia Sethuraman (15)
Raahi S Jogani (16)
Zaid Marwat (15)
Abdullah Hasani (17)
Hisham Ahmad (13)
Problem Statement:
Police, Paramilitary, and Military officers are killed by friendly fire from their own fellow officers. In most cases, misidentification during high-pressure operations is one of the leading reasons. Friendly fire incidents have wide-reaching consequences, affecting not only the individuals involved but also their families and the overall trust and cohesion within the unit or organization.
About the Innovation:
Young inventors from DiscoverSTEM innovated an intelligent device that clearly identifies the good and bad guys in an operation using hidden thermal insignia. This insignia directly communicates with an attachment on the gun and sight, which gives visual cues to the user about firing or not firing the gun, thereby preventing friendly fire.
Patent Certificate:
Patent Grant Date:
May 31, 2023
Patent Publication Number:
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